What Is the Best Free Alarm Clock App for Android

What is the best free alarm clock app for Android? Do you struggle to wake up on time every morning and find yourself late for work, university, or appointments? If yes, then it’s time to break the cycle of repeatedly hitting the snooze button and procrastination by downloading one of these best alarm clock apps listed by Free Phone App for your Android device.

You can easily download this application from the Google play.

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What Is the Best Free Alarm Clock App for Android

Even though there are thousands of alarm clock apps available on the Play Store, no one has time to try and test them all. Here we will help you choose one of the best free alarm clock apps for Android that will make you want to get out of bed.

App Name Rate on App Store # of Installs
Alarmy ★★★★★ 10M+
I Can’t Wake Up ★★★★☆ 5M+
puzzle alarm clock ★★★★☆ 1M+



If you have a habit of snoozing or turning off the alarm to go back to sleep, this app can help you break the habit. Voted as the most annoying alarm clock app for Android (alarm clock), Alarmy has a unique way of waking up its users. To turn off the morning alarm, you need to do a certain task or solve a puzzle.

The difficulty levels of these challenges are adjustable. So, if you’re a stubborn sleeper, set the difficulty level to the hardest and you will be guaranteed to wake up on time.

Key features

Alarmy at a glance:

# of Installs 10M+
User Rate: ★★★★★
Devices: Androind
Free version: Yes
Contain Ads: No
Pro version: Variable

Alarmy main features

Pro version features:

Alarmy Strength and Weaknesses

Word word Word word Word word Word word:

✅ Alarmy Strengths:

  1. Photo Mission
  2. QR/Barcode Mission
  3. Wake Up Check
  4. Time Pressure

❌Alarmy Weaknesses:

  1. The subscription fee is high
  2. In some cases, it requires vpn

Download Alarmy

You can download Alarmy from this button:

Download Alarmy

I Can’t Wake Up

If the above title applies to you, this Android app has 8 different Wake Up tasks that won’t let you turn off your alarm unless you complete them. They include math, memory, arranging squares in order, repetition and sequence, barcode, rewriting (text), vibration and matching.

The idea behind this is to wake your mind up enough to prevent you from falling back asleep. The interface is very simple. There is also an awake test that checks you after a few minutes to make sure you are awake. So, no cheating!

Key features

I Can’t Wake Up at a glance:

# of Installs 1M+
User Rate: ★★★☆☆
Devices: Androind / iOS / PC
Free version: Yes
Contain Ads: Yes
Pro version: Free

I Can’t Wake Up! Alarm Clock main features

I Can’t Wake Up Strength and Weaknesses

✅ I Can’t Wake Up Strengths:

  1. Awake Test
  2. High stability
  3. completely free
  4. sleep regulation

❌I Can’t Wake Up  Weaknesses:

  1. Pro version is not active
  2. Sometimes the alarm does not activate

Download I Can’t Wake Up

You can download I Can’t Wake Up from this button:

Download I Can’t Wake Up

puzzle alarm clock

Puzzle Alarm Clock


if you need something extra, Puzzle Alarm Clock for Android offers a different challenge to wake you up. These include math equations, rewriting text, solving mazes, and remembering shape sequences.

You can complete up to 5 puzzles in easy and medium levels, which is enough to restart your sleeping brain. If you may fall asleep even after turning off the alarm, enable the “Woke-up Poke” feature. It asks you to prove that you are awake 5 minutes after the alarm goes off.

Key features

Download on Google Play

Summing Up

What is the best free alarm clock app for Android? This is the question that we responded to in this post by Free Phone App. Hope you found the post useful.

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